Wednesday, June 1, 2011

International Year of the Forest...Introduction

So the UN is doing something special for the forests this year. Yay for them! I decided that no self-respecting forest blogger would forget to mention it, so whenever I find out something exciting is going on with it I will write about it on here. I do realize I'm a little late on getting in on this, but I guess better late than never. Anyway, so far the whole sha-bang looks like a bunch of boring talks. But I did, so far, find one exciting participatory event. Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom theme park is supposed to have an International Year of the Forests celebration on July 27th. Of course, that is three days after I will be leaving there! Dang it! The fates really peeve me off sometimes. So far the information I have been looking for on this has been nil. Looks like I am going to have to do some good old fashioned letter writing/detective work. I will let you know what I find out.

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